Mission Invisible: Beach Hut Goes to Thailand!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mark This On Your Calendar!

The papers are out!
20th June 2007, we are now



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Forgive My Silence

Its bee a while since I have updated this blog.
As I have mentioned to my latest entry, someone is already taking care of this project and I am overjoyed to announce that we have


We have our very first Thai employee helping us learn, absorb and adapt their culture.
Ecstatic on how the development of a focused marketing campaign. Hats off to the execution of a detailed and direct promotional strategies.


It surely is a great surprise! After the turnover, I never thought that it would advance this fast. In less than a year, we are able to enter the market. Our initial plan was just to participate in a small city but now we are in "The City," Bangkok!!! We first planned to make it available in a certain area, but now we are starting to distribute to the whole country.


I parted ways with project Thailand, but I discovered I never really left it behind. From properly turning it over, giving list of ideal nationwide distributors to connecting one great friend who supported us achieve where we are now, I am astoundingly grateful of still being involved with this and most specially having been able to give out effective and useful contributions.

CHEERS TO BEACH HUT THAILAND...for those who made this possible..


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

By the Numbers

With 2,000 dollars on hand, the project's objective was to start a business in an unfamiliar territory; a first for me.

2 months - project timeline
45 days - sleepless nights
2 - ghosts appeared before me
4 - female thai friends
5 - western friends
13 - possible partners connected with
9 - uninterested distributors
25 - retail shops presented
5 - dfferent rooms rented
2 times - I have been in Bangkok
3 times - I nearly vomitted from spicy foods
1 - interested possible partner
18 filipino - comrades openly supporting me
1 hour - longest ride on a motorbike for the first time
9 contacts - untapped
7 hours - total plane ride
48 hours - total bus ride

My time has already expired. Is it worth doing it over again?
Yes! …but its time to pass the baton as my time is up.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


"Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move has no legal moves but is not in check.

Stalemate has also become a widely used metaphor for other situations where there is a conflict or contest between two parties, such as war or political negotiations, and neither side is able to achieve victory, resulting in what is also called a dead heat, standoff, or deadlock. In that usage, unlike in chess, "stalemate" often refers to a temporary impasse that is ultimately resolved."

Nobody wins in this situation; for me both side losses because nothing is gained. What a crappy situation!

Monday, August 07, 2006


One of the busiest places here in BangLa Road at Patong Beach Phuket.

If you're a night person and loves hearing music? Patong Beach is the place. Night life is very much alive. Your choices of bands playing, disco place, bars and ago-gos.

This is TIGER BAR. Grab a drink and find a floor to stay. Let the girls amuse you and maybe take them away when dawn is near.

Friday, August 04, 2006

4th Aug 2006

Our agenda today was simple. Release the stocks in the fastest way possible. We are hoping it to be released as samlpes, since we are in the process of formalizing things. This is what we are hoping for.

From the place I am staying, its a 15 km drive to Phuket Town where we consulted the provincial FDA of our predicament. Its a good thing that Giovanni and Suwana are both there assisting me. Suwanna do most of the talking since the guy conversed in Thai and giovannis followed up with questions. I cant really follow w\the converstation since everythings is fast and in Thai language. The FDa guy was very straight forward to us; register the product first and better to take it to Bangkok wherein the process is faster rather than in Phuket.

We are already aware of it already so we moved along. Our next stop should have been the airport customs. Since we would most probably be arriving around lunch time, they suggeted in having lunch somwhere first than taking lunch at the airport which is very expensive. They brought me to "Super Cheap," a whoesaler customer/client of them. The place introduces all kinds of products ranging from appliances, gardening to personal care which can be bought at a very cheap price. The place is humid with lots of electric fans trying to make good ventilation. People who normally buy here are store owners whom we define as Mom and Pop owners from the different corners of Phuket Province. Its a supermarket, grocery and pharmacy in one but Thai style. Bare designs; the ceiling of galvanized steel sheets and walls made out of simple wood. Thats "Super Cheap." Eventhough the place is not a convenient place to buy, there were a lot of people there. With that kind of atmosphere, I thought teh process would have been chaotic. But I was surprised. It was properly managed. As you exit, all of your goods will be checked based on the receipt paid. Add to that, they use bar codes and computers for the cashiers. Tehy have a great sytem just that they took away the aesthetic designs and minimized other fixed expenses to maintain this low price they offer.

We had lunch then at Laeng Hin. Or it sounded like that. Restaurant by the bay which serves fresh seafoods. All the dishes that they ordered were new to me. And I am very excited to try them all: Shrimps with some kind of leaves that are fried together to a crisp which looks like criss-cut fries. Raw shrimps with a dip of spicy sweet sauce. Smoked fish to perfection. Spicy curry thai style. Eat all you can rice. Fruits. And beer as our beverage. Suwana though had fresh coconut since she is pregnant. Did I forget something? Well, to sum it all up, it was a superb lunch.

After that fantastic meal, we headed straight forth the customs at the airport in Phuket. It was a 45minute drive. I met again my agent and both Giovanni and Suwana helped me in questioning the agent. We are told of the scenarios we could partake and was even given actual computations for duties and possible expenses. I have learned a lot in importing goods and starting a company. That day confirmed everything I knew.

We had two choices. But the most deal and best (if you ask me) is going to Bangkok. It was clear to me that Bangkok is the key in everything here in Thailand.

That afternoon, they showed me the shops in Patong wherein their product ZigZag is available. They were available in pharmacies eventhough the law here discourages selling of tobaccos and cigarettes. if you come to visit stores, you wont find any visible cigarettes for sale. you have to inquire for it before they show and give them to you. Its a stict practice here in Thailand and am very surprised on how retailers practice them deliberately.

We had italian ice cream at Re Gelato and espresso in Coffee Lovers as we discuss the possible scenarios of our partnership. I really appreciate their honesty. I know only few who have the guts to tell about their company. And to think the many days they spent helping me out, meeting me, learning and creating scenarios with them, makes me think how serious they are in takng in Beach Hut.

ACTION speaks loudr than words!

by my good friends Giovanni and Suwanna. Yes, they are very friendly and very helpful in this too. I never thought that they would ever extend Teh

I never thought it would take nearly 100 kms of distance just for this.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Where's my bike?

Time is of essence.

To cover much more space and reach my destinations, I rented a motorbike since last week. The challenges as a first time rider:

1. Riding it - its my first time

2. Familiarize the places

3. Prevent from getting caught

4. Park it somewhere, and try finding it again